WORLD TOURISM DAY, photos, biography,
posted by Shwetha M R on 9:53 PM | Permalink >> 0 Comments
The World Tourism Organization provides the following information for World Tourism Day this Saturday.
Tourism: a driving force for poverty alleviation, job creation and social harmony
The host country of the twenty-fourth World Tourism Day is Algeria.
Historical Perspective The institution of so-called world days to highlight among government and private circles and the public at large, salient features of the activities of intergovernmental organizations, is a widespread practice...
Each year,the organizations belonging, to the United Nations System, for example, celebrate world days devoted to the United Nations; world peace; human rights; health; literacy; environment; womanhood; childhood; cooperation for development; meteorology; telecommunications, etc......
Seoul, Republic of Korea/Osaka, Japan, 24-29 September- 2001.
WORLD TOURISM DAY 27 September-2003.
Torremolinos, Spain, September -1979.
Statutes on 27 September -1970.
- 1980 -Tourism's contribution to the preservation of cultural heritagemutual understanding
- 1981- Tourism and the quality of life
- 1982- Pride in travel: good guests
- 1989- The free movement of tourists creates one world
- 1990 -Tourism: an unrecognized industry, a service to be released
- 1991- Communication, information and education: powerlines of tourism development
- 1992 -Tourism: a factor of growing social and economic solidarity and.
- 1993 -Tourism development and environmental protection: towards a lasting harmony
- 1994 -Quality staff, quality tourism
- 1995- WTO: serving world tourism for twenty years
- 1996 -Tourism: a factor of tolerance and peace
- 1997 -Tourism: a leading activity of the twenty-first century for job creation.
- 1998 -Public-private sector partnership: the key to tourism development and promotion
- 1999- Tourism: preserving world heritage for the new millennium
- 2000- Technology and nature:two challenges for tourism at the dawn of the twenty.first century
- 2001- Tourism: a toll for peace and dialogue among civilizations
- 2002 -Ecotourism, the key to sustainable development
- 2003 -Tourism: a driving force for poverty alleviation, job creation and social harmony
Labels: Biography, WORLD TOURISM DAY photos