Bakrid wishes, Bakrid sms joke, greetings, Messages, bakrid cards
posted by Shwetha M R on 12:21 PM | Permalink >> 0 CommentsWish You Happy Bakrid
Bakrid is an very important festival of the Muslim community.
It is also called as festival of Sacrifice, During the festival they always will dress in their finest clothing to perform prayers (Namaz) in any mosque. On this day Muslims sacrifice one domestic animal. (sheeps, cow, or goat).
Bakrid sms joke
Custome: Ye Bakra kitne ka hai?
Salesman: 500 Rs.
Customer: Itna sasta!
Salesman: China ka hai….
Koi gurantee nahi, ho sakta hai kal bhonkna shroo kar de..
Labels: bakrid, bakrid cards, bakrid greetings, bakrid messages, bakrid sms