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unesco announces Indian national anthem as the best national anthem in the world, Indian national anthem Video,

posted by Shwetha M R on 7:12 PM |                      >> 1 Comments

unesco announces indian national anthem as the best national anthem in the world

Friends it is Indian National Anthem that has been selected as the best National Anthem by UNESCO.

As many people are searching for the news related the announcement of UNESCO
choosing Indian National anthem as the best one,i found no news articles related to that.I think officially the news has yet to come.

Any have hats off India !

Jai hind !!


unesco announces indian national anthem …


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At 6/10/08 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a pity that the email announcing our national anthem as the best in the world declared by UNESCO appears to be just another email hoax.
while checking the integrity of the news by visiting the unesco site I found nothing of this sort.
There are different kind of chain mails that are used for different purposes by their originators by

* Luring the recipients towards good fortune
* Spreading the fear of doomed fate for the recipient for not forwarding them
* Lure of “free gadgets / gizmos” by forwarding them to multiple people
* Touching messages of love / fraternity / friendships etc
* Spicy scandals - political / religious in nature

So on and so forth ( kudos to the brilliant creativity of intelligent netizens to create a mass hysteria on the net)
It is wise to break the chain of the email as they are in most cases used to

* Collect thousands of email ids for mass marketing
* Spread viruses, worms or spywares which might sit in your computer and transmit your user ids / passwords to the originators, enabling them to sniff on your credit card details, your bank user ids and passwords etc.
* To spread rumours with different motives
* Or just simply with the intension to waste the band width of the network (which slows down a country’s / region’s network)

After knowing all these risks on the digital network, hope you all would give it a thought and break the email chains to protect your friends, loved and dear ones from unknown risks of this world wide digital network.

-Suman Banerjee


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